I hope to spend the rest of this week, checking and rechecking to make sure I’ve got those commas in place (naughty little buggers) and then swish! Off it will go.
Scary. Exhilarating!
So wish my sparkly WIP lots of luck and if you think of it, send me some cyber chocolate, too. I use it for all purposes such as rejection medicine, celebration food and, of course, for inspiration!
Photo by Ed Bruns
Good luck, Christina! That is exciting that it is ready to get out there! I'm in the revising stage of my chapter book, I can't wait til I can send it out. But I want to be really, really sure it's ready!
Go sparkly MS go!
I'm sending tons of good luck your way. I'm even looking at my lucky horseshoe as I type.
I can't wait to hear great things!
Yay!!! I'm sending you good luck in droves. :) The UPS guy won't be able to carry it all. :)
WTG, Christina! May your MS sparkle brightly in a publisher's life...Hugs...
Cyber chocolate your way!!!
I sent mine out this weekend. Isn't it exciting in a I-want-to-throw-up-now way??
Sparkly?!!! What a lovely stage to be at. GOOD LUCK!
Way-to-GO!!! I've got my fingers X'd for you for the query process.
Thanks guys! You are the best!
Oh, it feels so good to get to this stage. Good luck on your querying! I'm sending virtual chocolate your way.
Best of luck to you, Christina!
Yay! Sparkle sparkle sparkle!
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