Yep. I’ve started a new project. And I’m excited. No, actually, my fingers are tingling with anticipation to write it. In fact, I’m so excited all I can think is why in the world am I blogging when I could be writing IT!
Kidding, I love my blogging buddies. You guys keep me going.
So here’s the thing. It’s not an easy to choose what project you will write about. You’ve heard the stuff, like write what you love, pull it from the heart and all that. It’s true. Absolutely.

But (there’s a but)—
You also need to keep in mind the market, the books that have been recently published or are soon to be published when you are selecting what you’re going to write.
I had three book ideas I thought were pretty good. One that my sister loved, one that my husband loved and another that had been nagging in the back of my mind for 2 years but I couldn’t formulate a gripping enough plot (yeah, I like gripping).
Here’s the lowdown:
1. Idea #1- Great idea and I was pumped to write it. I wrote a synopsis, came up with my one line hook, and even webbed out my characters and started to get to know them. But then I researched the market on this idea. And just this year, a book, quite similar to my topic was released. Too similar, I decided. So I shelved it for later. When I’m famous. (giggle)
2. Idea #2- For this one, I decided to research it first. And there’s nothing on the market that I can find. It’s a cute idea but I wasn’t tingling, itching, biting at the bit to write it. (going back to needing to love it here). I shelved it.
3. Idea #3- This one has been haunting me for two years now, but I didn’t have a good enough plot. And then on one of my runs, it hit me. The perfect plot to go with my perfect characters and story. It won’t be easy to write. I’ll be pushed more than I’ve ever had to push myself, but the story needs to be written. Oh, and I did research this one too and it's good to go. Crossing fingers!

I’m not ready to spill the beans on the plot yet, but I can tell you it’s a multicultural paranormal.
Have you ever had a similar experience as this? Do tell!