Monday, November 2, 2009

What Do Teens What?

First of all, Happy NaNoWrite to all those participating! I'll be cheering you on! Here's chocolate to inspire you.

I've decided to write 1,000 words a day this month, getting me to 30,000 words. I hope to finish the book in January and do rewrites in the spring. Don't you love new projects?


I wanted to share some more fun stuff that I got from Publisher's Marketplace with you. It's interesting and I think as writers, we need to become experts in our field, and that includes knowing what kids like and are reading. I choose the pictures because I tend to be visual. But for more goodies, go to the link.

Check out these charts: (click on them to enlarge)
What Kids Like To Read

Networking. Facebook was huge. Here's what they want from your facebook page.

What Motivates Kids to Buy:

What Influences Kids?

Chocolate photo by: Cristian andrei Matei


Anonymous said...

When I was a teen, it was all about Stephen King, Clive Barker, Whitley Strieber, and Arthur C Clarke. Once I got my first "adult" book (It was The Eyes of the Dragon by Stephen King, from the bargain bin, I was 15) I never again ventured away from the horror or SF sections of the bookstores.

Meg Wiviott said...

I'm not doing nanowrite but I love chocolate!

Thanks for the info from Publisher's Marketplace. Interesting that author websites are the biggest influence on teens.

Kelly Polark said...

Thanks for the great info!
(and I'm revising this month, no nano, and I'm going to skip the chocolate as I've been dipping into our Halloween candy way too much! ;)

Carmella Van Vleet said...

Interesting info! Thanks for sharing. Of course, now I'm a bit depressed seeing as I'm currently submitting a biography on a somewhat historical person. Does this mean I'm doomed? :-)

Nandini said...

Very interesting ... thanks for posting. I'm nanowrimoing for the first time (it's a rewrite, but my old version may as well be an outline, the voice is so different), so thanks for the chocolate! I'm living off my kids' Halloween haul, yuummmm! Good luck on your new project!

Jennifer Shirk said...

I love starting a new project, too. Good luck on your goal.

MG Higgins said...

GREAT information. I saw some of this in Publisher's Marketplace but not all of it. Thanks very much for sharing.

PJ Hoover said...

What great info, Christina!
I'm revising this month. No new stuff for me. But I'm cheering on the NaNoers with you!

Kimbra Kasch said...

Good luck with the project!

Martha Flynn said...

I'm also doing a 30K NaNoWriMo. Pbblt to 50k! Not a single one of my books has hit that length in first draft yet. :)

Best of luck on the new story!

Christina Farley said...

Kelly- you are too good! If only I had your willpower. I tried to go without chocolate for a whole day. Pure torture.

No Carmella. You aren't doomed. Your books are awesome.

Martha- we can be 30 k buddies!
Thanks for the support everyone!

Shelli (srjohannes) said...

thanks - that article was awesome! very eye opening

Rena Jones said...

Those charts are really interesting.

Nora MacFarlane said...

I'm out of Nano this year and living in revision land. Best of luck to you!

Stephanie Faris said...

Great charts!!! And I'm really craving chocolate now.


very interesting. as a young adult i read mainly stephen king. as i get older it is mainly historical fiction with some chick stuff thrown in for good measure