Yep, that's right. Our school has closed for the H1N1 Virus. We had three cases show up on Friday in our British School so that division was closed. But by Tuesday, more cases popped up so the Korean government has closed us down.
Just a few cases doesn't seem like much, but with a close expat community, a virus could spread fast. Besides, South Korea may not be an island, but with North Korea blocking us off from Asia, it basically is.
Last night we got the email from our head of school. It was a long list of things we could do or couldn't. One of the weird things is no one is allowed on our school campus unless they have to be (all our teachers live on school property). We had until 11 AM this morning to go into our classrooms and get what we needed. I was in my office still at 11 printing stuff out and gathering my folders that I'd need while the announcement kept coming on "You need to leave now!"
I have no idea why we aren't allowed in our classrooms, or in my case, my office. But we'll go along with it.
Still, we have off from school until next Wednesday (as of right now). Currently, all the teachers are having on-line school. With the technology of today, it really is doable. And I'm planning on hitting my novel HARD this week. My deadline to be finished with edits is Sept. 1st. Can I do it?
Regardless, it's all very exciting to live in a community that is quarantined. Maybe I'll have to write a book about that!
But on a more serious note, please keep all the people around the world who are sick in your prayers and hope this virus can get contained.
Wow!! I certainly hope the virus can be contained. I'm glad you can see the bright side, though, by working on your novel. :) You can do it! :)
Oh, wow! I hope everything is OK and the virus is contained.
Yes, an outbreak can be scary. Wash your hands often and way to look on the bright side and work on your book!
Wow. Hopefully they'll be able to go back and all will be well. Or maybe they'll get used to that online school thing.
We've had it in our workplace, but haven't closed down. Thankfully, it doesn't seem to be spreading rapidly.
You and the people near you are in my thoughts & prayers, Christina. My daughter is in SE Asia now, so I'll do nothing but worry until she's home again. Stay safe and I hope it doesn't get too bad there.
Thanks guys! And yes Tabitha, I already got a heap of my revision done with all the changes from my critique partners.
Just stopped by. I'm a former teacher, writer, mother of boys, and former runner (too many injuries to continue). I'll be back!
Glad to hear you're making the best of things. It does sound a bit exciting. (Definitely a book in there somewhere.) Here in the states (at least mine) they've been warning us that the virus will be hitting schools hard and we should pretty much plan on closings and so forth. My middle child has asthma so I'm a little more worried than usual for flu season but not panicked. There's not a whole lot we can do except wash our hands and get the vaccine when it becomes available in Oct.
Wow, exciting times! Thank goodness for technology. I hope everyone in your family and class stays healthy and you're back to school soon. Good luck on the book revision while you're home!
Wow, this virus is such a scary thing. Take care of yourself!
Several universities in Cincinnati have quarantined students, and several school districts that surround mine are beginning to report cases. It's only a matter of time before my buildings get hit too. Hopefully it's the mild version and not the new strain that goes right into pneumonia.
Stay safe and healthy!
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