One of the highlights of our summer was watching the space shuttle, Endeavour, shoot off through the clouds and up into the atmosphere.
We would have missed it too if Mom hadn't called me up saying the space shuttle is taking off in ten minutes. I quickly flicked on the TV and we watched the countdown. Then one minute before the shuttle blasted off, we ran outside into the street spinning around in circles wondering which way the shuttle would come up from. We must have looked like idiots but we sure didn't care.
And then we saw it, like a shooting star going the wrong way. It was a red fiery ball heading up and through a cloud and then out of sight.
Amazing stuff. Have you ever seen the shuttle live? Or how about when it comes back into the atmosphere and you can hear the huge sonic boom?
Picture from Washington Post
Wow, fun! I bet the boys loved seeing that. Did you guys buy a place in Orlando too?
Wow, what a treat to be able to step out of your house and see something that unique and beautiful.
I never have, but I totally want to. I was there one time for it, but it was too cloudy to see anything.
So cool!
Never saw it live - but I soooo remember being young and sitting around and watching the shuttle take off.
How fun! Never seen it live either, but heard the sonic booms many times when living in CA. Used to scare the daylights out of us if we weren't expecting it.
Never had the pleasure - no. But sounds like fun!
To answer your question...Delta had some sort of surprise loyalty campaign among their elite level customers and gave some 5K, 10K, and 15K based on some secret criteria. I was thrilled to get 10K!
Thanks Lenore for the infor! I guess I'm not an elite! Ha! But I'm glad you at least got something good out of it all.
I've never seen the shuttle take off live before, but I did see it land at Wright Patterson Air Force Base. It was riding piggy back on top of a transport plane. Very strange looking!
Hi Christina!
So glad you had a good time in O-Town! I can see watch the shuttle from my driveway--can't see the actual shuttle, but the fireball is always visible, and always exciting! (Yes, I'm bragging--heehee.)
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